LSD addiction

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also commonly referred to as acid, is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that can have pronounced physical and psychological effects on users. LSD can be dangerously habit-forming, and users may quickly develop a tolerance to the drug, requiring higher doses in order to achieve the same effects. For those dealing with an LSD addiction, help is available – you can start your journey to wellness and recovery with the right support and resources.

LSD addiction drugs in hand

How does LSD addiction develop?

LSD’s mind-altering effects occur as a result of the drug binding to cell receptors in the brain. This changes the way our brains respond to serotonin – a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, emotions and perception. This produces visual and auditory hallucinations and profound changes in sensory perception.

While drug addiction is known for the physical impact on the body, LSD is not considered physically addictive; it is the relationship with serotonin that leaves users coming back for more. You may develop a psychological dependence on the effects of the drug, feeling the need to recreate or “chase” a high you once experienced.

It is also likely that you’ll need progressively larger doses of LSD to feel the same effects. This is known as ‘tolerance’ and is common among regular users of LSD. However, the unpredictability of this drug makes tolerance dangerous, with higher doses leading to unpleasant feelings of dissociation and paranoia that can last for twelve hours or more.

Signs you are addicted to LSD

Since LSD is not generally defined as physically addictive, it can be hard to spot the signs of addiction if you take it recreationally. It is important to recognise any indicators that could point towards a problem. Take a look at the below statements and see if any apply to you:

  • I need continually larger doses of LSD to feel the same effects.
  • I spend a lot of time thinking about LSD and have a strong desire to get high.
  • I want to experience previous ‘good trips’ again and constantly try to recreate those experiences.
  • I have started to experience psychological issues as a result of my LSD use, such as paranoia, anxiety, and not knowing what is real.
  • I get ‘flashbacks’ or experience hallucinations even when I am not using LSD.
  • I use LSD as a way to cope with negative emotions or as a way to escape reality.

If any of these statements resonate with you, LSD rehab can help to guide you to a healthier, more balanced life. You don’t have to recover alone – together, we can help you to understand your LSD addiction and develop coping mechanisms to take forward to your everyday life.

The negative effects of LSD

There are a great many dangers associated with LSD use, resulting in both short and long-term damage to your mental and physical health.

Some of the short-term effects of LSD include:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased heart rate or palpitations
  • High blood pressure
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • High temperature
  • Sweating and chills
  • Anxiety and panic
  • Paranoia
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Impulsive or dangerous behaviour

LSD addiction high temperature

Some of the long-term effects of LSD include:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Flashbacks (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder)
  • Psychosis

Of course, it goes without saying that the risk of accidents, injury and even death is high as your senses become distorted. Seeing and hearing things that aren’t really there can lead you to potentially dangerous situations, and a lack of coordination and slowed reflexes exacerbate any possibility of harm.

LSD detox and withdrawal

During LSD detox, the body flushes any residual chemicals that have accumulated from LSD use. The body does not become dependent on LSD, so users typically do not experience physical withdrawal symptoms during this time. However, psychological dependence on this drug can make it tough to quit.

Some of the psychological LSD withdrawal symptoms you may experience during detox include:

  • General discomfort
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Unpredictable emotions
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Difficulty distinguishing what is real

As LSD detox and withdrawal are largely psychological, the timeline is subjective. Withdrawal symptoms may start to kick in within the first few days after your last dose, gradually tapering down over the course of the next one or two weeks.

In order to ensure your safety throughout LSD detox, it is important that you seek the assistance of a trusted rehab facility. At Liberty House, our dedicated team will work with you to manage withdrawal symptoms and provide vital support that could mean the difference between a successful recovery or relapse.

Treating LSD addiction through rehab

Rehab treatment is an important part of overcoming an LSD addiction. At Liberty House, our clients can expect a wide variety of therapies and treatment modalities to be used in addressing the various challenges that are associated with drug use, as well as offering support for any co-occurring mental health issues.

Our treatment programme is designed to help you recover from your LSD addiction and learn tools for managing your urges and cravings going forward. Some of the addiction therapies used at Liberty House include:

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): with a psychological addiction like this, DBT is enormously beneficial in helping you to change negative thought patterns and manage your emotions, without the need for LSD.
  • Group therapy: gaining support from a group of peers and learning from each other’s stories is highly advantageous, both in LSD rehab and beyond.
  • Motivational interviewing: allows you to strengthen your motivation and remain committed to your goal of a life without LSD.
  • One-to-one therapy: uses techniques that keep you focused on positive outcomes and goals, rather than focusing on past mistakes made through LSD use.
  • Family therapy: helps you to rebuild relationships that may have been strained or lost as a result of your LSD use.

LSD addiction one-to-one therapy

As well as gaining essential tools from these proven therapies, you will also have access to a range of holistic activities that aim to support your recovery. You will be able to enjoy exercise and yoga, meditation, gong baths, art therapy, lectures and workshops.

At Liberty House, we treat every aspect of LSD addiction. Our clients learn a healthier way of living and leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to start a new life.

The benefits of LSD rehab

Anyone who is struggling with LSD misuse will benefit tremendously from an inpatient rehab programme. It is here where you will have the opportunity, not only to quit LSD for good, but also to embark on a journey of personal growth.
The rewards of completing LSD rehab include:

  • Improved mental health
  • Clearer thought patterns
  • A more productive life
  • Ability to build healthy habits
  • A sense of achievement
  • A chance to break the addictive cycle
  • New found friends and interests

If this sounds appealing to you, don’t waste another day. By committing fully to LSD rehab, you can take advantage of these many benefits and feel like yourself once again.

Helping a loved one with LSD addiction

If you have a loved one with an LSD or hallucinogens addiction, it can be extremely difficult to know what steps to take to get them the help they need. You may be feeling desperate, worried, anxious or overwhelmed, but you are not alone. There are many people and resources that you can turn to if you need a little extra support during this time.

The most important thing you can do if you have a loved one suffering from LSD addiction is to communicate your concerns in a compassionate and understanding way. This means that you should avoid lecturing or come across as judgemental, focusing instead on being supportive and providing resources where necessary.

If you make the decision to talk to your loved one, you should choose a time when they are not under the influence of drugs. Try to keep the conversation calm, and if things start to get heated or emotional, take a break and come back to it later.

Oftentimes, family members play a crucial role in ensuring that the person they care about stays on track during their recovery, so it is important you are there for them when they need you. This may mean attending family therapy sessions together or meeting regularly while they are in treatment to discuss progress and challenges. It is essential to resist the urge to give up when things get tough; persistent support can be vital for helping someone break free from addiction for good.

Most importantly, taking care of your own needs and setting healthy boundaries is crucial for your well-being. You should set aside time for hobbies and activities you enjoy and surround yourself with a supportive network of friends or family.

Frequently asked questions

Who is at risk of LSD addiction?
Anyone can be at risk of developing an addiction to LSD, however, there are some factors that can increase your likelihood of forming an addiction. If you suffer from mental health issues like anxiety or depression, it is possible that you will self-medicate, using LSD as a way to escape. Taking LSD or other substances at a young age also puts you at greater risk, as your brain is still growing and may therefore be more susceptible to the effects of LSD. Your genetics can also play a huge role in developing LSD addiction, so if you have family members who struggle with substance abuse, it could mean you are at a higher risk.
Is LSD withdrawal the same as a comedown?
An LSD comedown is experienced by anyone who takes the drug, even after first-time use. During a comedown, you will usually feel fatigued and could experience a dip in your mood. LSD withdrawal, on the other hand, refers to the symptoms you may experience after a psychological dependence has occurred.
How long does LSD rehab treatment last?
Liberty House offers two to twelve-week treatment programmes depending on the extent of your LSD addiction. Typically, we recommend a minimum of four weeks so that you may fully benefit from the programme. If your dependence is particularly severe, then a longer treatment period is advised. It is important to choose the right one for you so that you have the best chances of success.