Methylphenidate (Concerta & Ritalin) addiction
Methylphenidate, more commonly known by the brand names Ritalin or Concerta, is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Though effective in managing ADHD symptoms and helping sufferers lead healthier and more productive lives, Ritalin can also be addiction-forming when it is used recreationally. In fact, it is illegal to possess Ritalin without a prescription, and it is classified as a class B substance, meaning that you could face up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine if you are caught with this drug.
With Ritalin use on the rise, the rate of methylphenidate dependence also grows. Once the grip of Ritalin addiction has taken hold, it can be extremely difficult to overcome without the help of professionals. Attending a Ritalin rehab facility like Liberty House will give you the opportunity you need to take back your life.
The path to Ritalin addiction
Ritalin or Concerta addiction is a serious condition that occurs when someone becomes physically and psychologically dependent on methylphenidate. This can happen in a number of different ways, including through the abuse of an existing prescription, through recreational misuse or when the drug is used to enhance performance for studies.
Prescription abuse
If you have been prescribed Ritalin or Concerta for a legitimate medical purpose, it is possible that addiction to methylphenidate can occur if you begin to take higher or more frequent doses than prescribed. Regularly taking Ritalin outside of your prescription instructions can provoke a tolerance to the drug, meaning you will need progressively larger doses to achieve the same effect.
Methylphenidate dependence will then quickly follow as the body begins to rely on the drug to function normally. Sadly, it is not uncommon for those with a genuine medical condition to transition to recreational abuse of Ritalin.
Recreational abuse
Experimental and recreational use of Ritalin is on the rise, with many young people, in particular, using this drug alongside other substances to stay awake, increase their sociability and lower their inhibitions. However, abusing Ritalin recreationally, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs, is extremely dangerous as methylphenidate can enhance the effects of other substances, putting you at risk of cardiac arrest, seizures or accidental overdose.
Performance enhancement
Many people take Ritalin for its ability to increase alertness and concentration, taking it as a means to study for long periods of time. It is therefore, a popular drug amongst students who want to achieve higher grades, complete assignments or revise for upcoming exams. This is a particularly slippery slope, however, as methylphenidate addiction does not take long to manifest. While it may appear you are using Ritalin for beneficial purposes, you are also putting your mental and physical health at a huge risk. If you are struggling to quit Ritalin and continue to take it despite knowing the negative consequences it is having; methylphenidate rehab could help you turn your life around.
The side effects of Ritalin
The regular abuse of methylphenidate can have a number of unwanted side effects, both physical and mental.
Some of the physical side effects of Ritalin and Concerta include:
- Stomach aches
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- Heart palpitations
- Lack of appetite
- Issues with eyesight
- Increased heart rate
- High blood pressure
- Urinary issues, including UTIs
Psychological side effects of Ritalin and Concerta include:
- Anxiety and depression
- Irritability and mood swings
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations
The possibility of overdose is also present with methylphenidate abuse and addiction. Signs you may have overdosed include:
- Sweating
- Tremors
- Panic
- Muscle pain or lower abdominal pain
- Swelling of extremities
- Numb hands or feet
- Aggression
- Psychosis
- Seizures
- Heart attack
If you or someone you know has overdosed on Ritalin or Concerta, it is important to seek emergency medical attention.
Spotting the signs of Ritalin addiction
Often shrouded in secrecy or denial, it can be very difficult to tell if someone you know has developed an addiction to Ritalin. Behavioural changes may be subtle, but there are some signs to look out for if you suspect that someone you know may have an addiction to this drug.
For one, you may have noticed your loved one taking more Ritalin or Concerta than initially prescribed or visiting the doctor more frequently to obtain a prescription. They may struggle to function day-to-day without methylphenidate or complain about the physical symptoms they experience when they are not using it.
Has your loved one become distant or isolated? Have you noticed changes in their mood? Do they become agitated when they are unable to find Ritalin? Has their use of Ritalin started to impact your relationship? These are all questions you should ask yourself when trying to determine if there is a problem.
If you think that someone you know has developed a Ritalin addiction, it is important to approach them in a non-confrontational way. When talking to your loved one, remain calm and avoid making judgments or accusations that could cause them to become defensive. Once you have established that there may be a problem with methylphenidate, try to encourage your loved one to seek professional assistance. Treatment for addiction can be highly effective when approached in the right way, and supporting someone through the recovery process can make all the difference in helping them successfully overcome their challenges.
How is Ritalin addiction treated?
Once you have recognised a problem and are ready to get help for your prescription drug addiction, it is important to consider the best mode of treatment for you. Inpatient rehab is generally considered the most effective method for overcoming this drug. At Liberty House, we aim to treat your physical dependence through a methylphenidate detox, followed by methylphenidate rehab and finally aftercare.
Ritalin detox
Ritalin detox is a naturally occurring process where the body removes all traces of the drug from its system. During detox, you may experience some methylphenidate withdrawal symptoms as your body tries to balance out and readjust after a period of drug use.
Methylphenidate withdrawal symptoms may include:
- Fatigue and excessive sleeping
- Increased appetite
- Mood swings
- Inability to concentrate
- Hyperactivity
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Vivid nightmares
- Depression
During the Ritalin detox process, it is important to manage withdrawal symptoms by seeking professional support from a healthcare provider or addiction treatment facility. Additionally, there are a number of strategies that can be employed to help reduce Ritalin cravings and withdrawal symptoms during detox. Some common strategies for managing methylphenidate detox include engaging in physical activity to promote endorphin release, eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein and healthy fats, staying well-rested, and getting support from friends and family members.
Ritalin rehab
Throughout Ritalin detox, withdrawal, and as you continue your treatment, you will have access to expert therapists who will support you every step of the way. At Liberty House, we offer a well-rounded rehab treatment programme that focuses on not only your physical dependence on methylphenidate, but also the psychological causes of your addiction too. This means that you will be able to understand the root causes of your Ritalin abuse and tackle the triggers that could tempt you back to old patterns.
Some of the addiction therapies provided at Liberty House include:
- Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): helps you to develop new, positive thinking patterns and recognise self-destructive behaviour that leads you to use Ritalin.
- Group therapy: allows you to build meaningful relationships and learn from others in similar positions, at the same time giving you the ability to share your experiences with Ritalin.
- One-to-one therapy: changes your focus to the solution, rather than the problem, allowing you to achieve your goal of a life without Ritalin.
- Motivational interviewing: keeps you on track and motivated throughout recovery and reminds you of why Ritalin is not the answer.
- Relapse prevention: helps you to develop a Ritalin relapse prevention plan that you can follow once you walk out of our doors.
- Family therapy: gives you the opportunity to rebuild relationships that may have become strained as a result of your Ritalin use.
Liberty House also offers holistic activities designed to encourage healthier life practices, including yoga and meditation, sound therapy, art therapy and daily walks. With our programme, you will embark on a journey of personal growth and leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Ritalin aftercare
While Ritalin rehab is a vital tool in your recovery, your long-term sobriety is dependent on the hard work you put in once you return to your everyday life. It is here where you will be exposed to stress and triggers that may have caused you to abuse Ritalin in the first place. These first stages of recovery require a great deal of dedication.
Aftercare is therefore an essential part of the recovery process for those who have undergone Ritalin rehab. It provides a crucial transition between intensive treatment and independent living, giving you the skills you need to successfully handle the many challenges that are likely to come your way.
Liberty House offers one year of free aftercare to all of our clients, meaning that you will never feel alone or without support. This valuable resource can help you to stay on track and continue to build a more rewarding life away from methylphenidate.