Find a rehab in the UK

If you or a loved one have made the decision to get clean, the next step is to choose the right level of rehab treatment. Throughout the UK there are different types of treatment services depending on your circumstances. Below you will find a directory for the various counties in the South of the UK and their respective treatment services.

What treatment options are available in the UK?

  • Private Rehab – An all in one rehab treatment programme that includes a medical detox, addiction counselling (including group therapy) and residential facilities.
  • NHS services – Speak to your local GP for a referral to one of the free NHS service but expect to wait for treatment.
  • Private addiction counselling – They are trained in the field of addiction and will help you to overcome deep rooted issues that led you down the path of addiction.
  • Group therapy – AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) provide free group sessions at various locations.
  • Medication – Your GP may be able to prescribe medication to help with your detox, or negate any mental health problems that may be driving you to abuse.

Which option is right for me?

No one can tell you which treatment will work for you as each individual has different requirements. There are however a number of factors to consider when making your decision:

  • How long you have been using and to what extent, as this could determine whether you require a medical detox.
  • Whether you can afford private treatment.
  • Whether you have work or family commitments.
  • Whether the longer term cost of your addiction outweighs the cost of private rehab.

We strongly recommend you speak to your GP before embarking on a treatment programme.

Rehab centres in the UK