Klonopin addiction


Clonazepam, sold under the brand name Klonopin, is responsible for many addiction cases in the UK and across the world. Usually prescribed for conditions such as anxiety and panic disorders, Klonopin addiction and abuse can cause enormous damage to both the person’s life and to the people around them. Fans of the band Fleetwood Mac may be aware that singer Stevie Nicks has spoken publicly about her Klonopin addiction, describing it as a “horrible” drug that ruined eight years of her life.

If you are struggling with Klonopin addiction, it can seem like there is no way out, but with self-belief and professional help, you can make a full recovery and live a happy life free of Klonopin.

How does Klonopin addiction develop?

Klonopin belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines and works by slowing down the central nervous system. When taken as directed, Klonopin can be an effective medication but some people take Klonopin in higher doses than prescribed or more frequently than directed. Others crush and snort the pills, or inject them into their veins to heighten the effects.

Like other types of prescription drug addiction, Klonopin addiction typically develops when people take Klonopin for non-medical reasons, such as to get high or to self-medicate for other mental health conditions. However, it can also develop in people who are actually using Klonopin as prescribed. For example, Stevie Nicks was originally prescribed clonazepam to help with the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal. Likewise, some people are given clonazepam for alcohol withdrawal so it is very important that both doctors and patients understand the risk before the drug is administered for this reason.

People who abuse Klonopin are at risk of developing tolerance which means that they need to take higher and higher doses of the drug to get the same effects. Tolerance can lead to physical Klonopin dependence and then addiction, particularly if you have certain risk factors present such as:

  • A family history of addiction
  • Mental health disorders
  • A history of drug or alcohol abuse
  • Stressful life events
  • Easy access to Klonopin


What are the signs and symptoms of Klonopin addiction?

There are a number of different signs and symptoms that may be indicative of Klonopin addiction. However, it is not always easy to spot these signs in yourself because your addiction will try and conceal them from you to keep you addicted.

To help see through this deception, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I taking Klonopin for non-medical reasons, such as to get high?
  • Do I take Klonopin in higher doses or more frequently than prescribed?
  • Do I feel like I need Klonopin to cope with everyday life?
  • Have my family or friends expressed concerns about my Klonopin use?
  • Have I obtained Klonopin illegally by buying it from a dealer or by forging prescriptions?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you may be suffering from Klonopin addiction. At Liberty House, we can help you overcome your Klonopin dependence and begin a new, sober life.

What are the health dangers of Klonopin addiction?

Klonopin addiction can have a profoundly negative impact on all areas of your life including physical health, mental well-being, work success and personal relationships.

Short-term effects on physical health include:

  • Lethargy
  • Tiredness
  • Motor skills impairment

Some of the long-term, more dangerous effects are:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Increased risk of dementia and similar conditions
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Depression
  • Fatal overdose (particularly if Klonopin is mixed with alcohol or other substances)


What is the impact of Klonopin addiction on life?

Not only can Klonopin addiction pose serious health risks, but it can also cost you a lot of money, especially if you’re purchasing the drug illegally, as well as impacting your performance at work which can further affect your finances if you lose your job.

Relationships can also be strained by Klonopin addiction. The drug can make you more withdrawn and irritable, which can lead to arguments and estrangement from friends and family members. In some cases, Klonopin addiction can even lead to criminal behaviour as people may resort to stealing to fund their habit.

Klonopin detox and withdrawal

To break your physical dependence on Klonopin, you must rid your body of the drug. To do this, you will need to undergo Klonopin detox which is when you stop taking Klonopin and allow your body to heal from the damage it has sustained. However, Klonopin withdrawal symptoms can be very unpleasant and potentially even dangerous so it is always best to detox at a professional Klonopin detox centre like Liberty House.

Common Klonopin withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Headaches
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures (in severe cases)


Different people experience different Klonopin withdrawal symptoms and the duration of Klonopin withdrawal also varies from person to person. Contributing factors to the length and severity of withdrawal include how long you have been taking Klonopin, the dose you were taking and your general health.

A typical Klonopin withdrawal timeline

Days one to two: Anxiety, irritability and aggression may begin to appear a day after the last dose. You may also have frequent Klonopin cravings and muscle spasms and feel restless and nauseous.

Days two to five: Withdrawal symptoms will peak from days two to five and may include dramatic mood swings, restlessness, nausea and vomiting, hot/cold sweats and insomnia. Klonopin cravings will be very strong during this time and you may even experience some delusions or hallucinations.

Days five to fourteen: Although the intensity of withdrawal symptoms will start to lessen after five days, you may still experience some symptoms. For example, you may feel a little down or low on energy but your sleep patterns will likely have improved and your mind will feel a lot clearer.

Fourteen days onwards: While for most people the worst of the Klonopin withdrawal symptoms will have passed after two weeks, some may still experience mild symptoms such as anxiety or depression for several months. Benzodiazepine addiction disorders like Klonopin addiction often have the lengthiest withdrawal process so if you need extra support, Liberty House will speak to your GP to ensure you get it once your Klonopin detox programme is complete.

Klonopin rehab

While Klonopin detox focuses on physical Klonopin dependence, rehab treatment is required to address the psychological causes of addiction and help you develop the skills you need to live a Klonopin-free life.

Liberty House is an inpatient Klonopin rehab centre which means you will live at the rehab facility for the duration of your treatment. This allows you to focus on your recovery without having to worry about everyday distractions and triggers.

At Liberty House, we offer a range of evidence-based Klonopin rehab treatments and addiction therapies including:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): This therapy focuses on changing the negative thought patterns that contribute to Klonopin addiction.
  • Group therapy: Group therapy sessions provide support and allow you to share your Klonopin addiction experiences with others who are going through the same thing.
  • One-to-one therapy: Speaking to a qualified therapist who has been through recovery themselves, you will be able to talk openly about your Klonopin addiction to someone who knows exactly what you are going through.
  • Family therapy: Family therapy sessions help to repair relationships that may have been strained by Klonopin addiction and open up communication channels.
  • Yoga therapy: Yoga is a form of treatment that can help to ease anxiety and promote relaxation and complement other Klonopin rehab therapies.

This comprehensive Klonopin rehab programme is intended to identify your unique triggers, understand why they cause you to abuse Klonopin and equip you with the skills you need to stay Klonopin-free in the future.

Different people will need different lengths of time in treatment to recover from Klonopin addiction. The length of time you stay in rehab will depend on factors such as the severity of your addiction, your motivation to recover and your ability to cope with withdrawal symptoms. At Liberty House, we offer a range of different Klonopin rehab programmes to suit each client’s availability: two weeks, four weeks, eight weeks and twelve weeks.


Leaving Klonopin rehab and going back to your life can be a daunting experience as you are no longer in a holistic recovery environment and will once again be surrounded by your triggers and have access to Klonopin. Aftercare is a very important part of Klonopin addiction treatment because it provides ongoing support once you have completed rehab to keep you on the right path.

At Liberty House, all of our clients receive free aftercare for a year which involves weekly group therapy sessions, regardless of which length of Klonopin rehab programme they underwent. This gives you the opportunity to stay in touch with your peers, build and reinforce your support network and share your experiences as you continue on your journey to recovery.

What to do next?

If you or somebody you know is struggling with Klonopin addiction, get in touch with Liberty House today. We can help you understand your Klonopin addiction and develop all the skills and knowledge you need to overcome it.


Frequently asked questions

Will everyone who takes Klonopin develop Klonopin addiction?
No, not everyone who takes Klonopin will develop an addiction. However, there is an increased risk of developing an addiction if Klonopin is taken for a long period of time or in large doses. If you have been prescribed Klonopin, make sure you speak to your GP about how exactly to take it to minimise the risk of developing an addiction.
Is clonazepam used to treat alcohol addiction?
Yes, clonazepam is sometimes used to treat alcohol withdrawal because it can help to reduce anxiety and seizures. However, clonazepam should only be used for withdrawal management under close medical supervision to ensure that the person doesn’t develop a clonazepam addiction in the process.
How can I prevent Klonopin relapse?
To prevent a relapse from Klonopin, it is important to understand the reasons why people relapse and how to deal with each:

Boredom: Try to find healthy activities and hobbies that you enjoy so that you are too busy to feel bored.

Stress: Speak to your support network or a therapist to help you manage your stress in a healthy way.

Triggers: Use your time in rehab to identify your Klonopin triggers and have a plan in place to avoid them.

Isolation: Spend time with loved ones, attend aftercare sessions and make new, healthy-living friends.