Xanax addiction


In the UK, Xanax addiction is a problem that many individuals are unaware even exists. As a medication distributed by medical professionals, prescription drug addiction can be difficult to spot, especially as many people believe that this medication is safe and couldn’t possibly be addictive. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case, and it is vital that we take Xanax addiction seriously, aware of its risks so that we know when to seek support in overcoming our dependence.

What is Xanax addiction?

Xanax addiction is a condition where individuals feel compelled to repeatedly take Xanax, even when it is causing noticeable harm to their health and wellbeing. Leading those who are suffering down a dangerous path of dependence, many individuals can witness their casual habits turning into something far more severe, sometimes in as short a time as a few weeks.

Alprazolam (sold under the brand name Xanax) is a medication prescribed to treat legitimate medical conditions such as anxiety and insomnia. Xanax can be addictive because of the way it interferes with the brain’s reward pathways. Working to increase the production of the neurotransmitter GABA, Xanax slows down brain activity, resulting in calming effects where users are both relaxed and sleepy. This is why the medication can be so effective in treating anxiety disorders and sleep problems.

Due to the way that Xanax works in the brain, many users feel compelled to keep taking the substance to continue experiencing pleasurable sensations brought upon by the drug, even if they no longer need it for medical purposes. Unfortunately, however, after continued Xanax use, the brain becomes accustomed to the drug, causing the user to require more Xanax, and in higher doses, to achieve the same effect. This is how addiction develops.

Signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction

If you are caught in the cycle of benzodiazepine addiction, your mind can have a way of telling you that you do not have a problem, that your Xanax use is under control, and there is no need to seek help. However, it is essential that you keep a close eye on your consumption, ensuring that, if you do have a problem, you do not delay seeking out the help you deserve in overcoming your affliction.

Some of the physical signs associated with Xanax addiction include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Seizures during withdrawal
  • Memory loss


The psychological symptoms which can help to identify Xanax addiction also include:

  • Trying to stop taking Xanax but finding it impossible to do so.
  • Only associating in activities that involve acquiring, taking, or coming down from Xanax.
  • Turning to illegitimate methods to acquire Xanax, relying on counterfeit sources to access the drug, such as the dark web or through street dealers.
  • Experiencing rapid mood changes, for example, feeling manic one moment and downcast the next.
  • Struggling to keep on top of responsibilities such as work or education.
  • Becoming isolated from other people.

What should I do if I am addicted to Xanax?

If you feel that you are beginning to display signs of Xanax dependence, Liberty House would first like to commend you for making this admission, as it is not an easy task. Next, we wish to ease your fears by reminding you that there is plenty of help available to break your Xanax dependence once and for all.

In order to receive the most thorough, comprehensive support when coming off Xanax, we would recommend pursuing a course of inpatient rehab treatment alongside a medically assisted detox at a facility designed to cater to your needs. Here, you will have the chance to address your Xanax addiction in safe and comfortable surroundings, working through both the physical and psychological symptoms in the safe hands of trained professionals.

Xanax detox and withdrawal

Xanax detox simply refers to a process of adjustment as all traces of Xanax are cleansed from your system. As Xanax has a short-half life, this means that the drug can come with exacerbated withdrawal symptoms as your body goes through changes. Fortunately, however, with the help of a medically assisted detox, you will be cared for by medical professionals with methods (such as drug tapering) implemented to ensure you are as comfortable as possible.

The length and severity of Xanax detox will vary from person to person and depends on a number of factors, such as how long you have been using Xanax, how heavily you are abusing the substance and your general state of health. Some of the more commonly reported symptoms associated with Xanax withdrawal include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle pain
  • Depression or low mood
  • Restlessness
  • Mood swings


When coming off Xanax, acute withdrawal symptoms will typically present themselves anywhere between eight to twelve hours after your last dose. However, it can be tough to predict exactly how long it will take before Xanax withdrawal symptoms subside, though this process can take anywhere between one to six months.

Can I recover from Xanax on my own?

If you are considering starting your Xanax recovery journey at home, we understand why this might seem like the better option. With the freedom to remain in your own space, near your loved ones and home comforts, this can appear like it would be the ideal set-up. However, the Xanax detox process can pose a number of risks, and it is essential that you are aware of them before making this decision.

Withdrawal from Xanax can be dangerous and uncomfortable, and suddenly cutting down your dose can bring with it a host of unsafe outcomes. For example, some users have reported experiencing seizures when coming off Xanax, and without medical supervision or access to anti-seizure medications, the consequences can be life-threatening.

In much the same way, quitting Xanax cold turkey can be incredibly dangerous, not to mention unpleasant. At a registered facility, however, you will have access to a course of drug tapering, reducing your dosage slowly and carefully, rather than cutting off your supply without warning. To add to this, impatient Xanax rehab will take care of all your personal requirements, preparing meals for you onsite and supporting you with any need you might have. This way, you will remain focused on your goal – getting clean and starting a healthier life, free from Xanax.

Rehab treatment for Xanax addiction

Wherever you are in your journey with Xanax, it is crucial you remember that there is plenty of support available to help you in your recovery. Here at Liberty House, our team is committed to your continued abstinence, and we have a variety of treatment options available to cater to your personal requirements.

Once joining us at our centre, our team will first address your specific needs, curating a clear and thorough detox plan alongside a scheduled timetable of activities to keep your day brimming with treatments and therapies. We have found that routine is essential to successful rehabilitation, as it helps to reduce unpredictability and shift your perspective from unhealthy behaviours to ones that promote your happiness and wellbeing. Some of the treatments we have available at Liberty House include:

  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) – To help clients not just understand why their issues with Xanax may have developed, but also work on implementing healthier coping strategies to prevent relapse in the future.
  • Mindfulness – As a medication commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, Xanax carries a pronounced sedative effect, placing users in a quieter and more relaxed mindset. In the early stages of recovery, mindfulness can be an excellent tool, helping clients discover tested methods to help slow down the mind and aid relaxation, without having to turn to benzodiazepines.
  • Support groups – Strength can be found in numbers, and when surrounded by other individuals encountering similar obstacles, this can offer clients the motivation they need to see through their rehabilitation and free themselves from the clutches of Xanax addiction.

Let us help you get your life back.

At Liberty House, we understand that agreeing to engage with treatment can be a daunting choice to make, especially with all the changes that can come with this decision. However, while Xanax rehab can be one of the more challenging experiences you encounter, it can also be one of the most transformative. At our centre, we are well-equipped with an excellent team of staff, all dedicated to keeping you relaxed and comfortable as you move through your recovery journey. If you would like any more information about Liberty House and how we can help you with Xanax addiction, do not hesitate to contact our admissions team right away.


Frequently asked questions

Who is the most likely to develop a Xanax addiction?
Anyone who takes Xanax for an extended period is at risk of developing an addiction, and it is important to remember that this condition can impact anyone at any time. In fact, a lot of people admit to having fallen into Xanax addiction by accident, despite their dosage being controlled by a medical professional, and not taking more of the substance than advised.
Is alprazolam more addictive than diazepam?
Both alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium) are benzodiazepines, meaning they have similar effects when ingested by the user. It is possible to develop a dependence on either of these substances. Therefore, it is important to remain mindful of your intake if you are currently prescribed either of these medications.
How long is Xanax addiction treatment?
For Xanax rehab treatment, we recommend opting for a minimum of twenty-eight days at our centre. That way, you will have ample time to detox from the drug, building connections along the way as you prepare to enter therapeutic intervention.