Temazepam addiction

What is Temazepam?

Klonopin, known as clonazepam in the UK, is a benzodiazepine medication commonly prescribed to treat anxiety, panic disorders and seizures. It works by calming the brain and nervous system, offering relief from intense anxiety and helping to control seizures.

Though effective for short-term use, Temazepam can be highly addictive, even when taken as prescribed. Because of this, in the UK, Temazepam is a controlled substance, classified under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 as a Class C drug. This means it’s illegal to possess or supply without a prescription.

Because of its addictive potential, it’s crucial to use Temazepam with caution and only under medical supervision.


What makes Temazepam addictive?

After taking Temazepam for a long period of time, withdrawal symptoms can start to make quitting difficult. Insomnia, anxiety and irritability often begin as the body struggles to adjust without the drug. In some cases, withdrawal can even lead to seizures, making it tempting to keep using just to avoid these unpleasant effects. Over time, this physical dependence is often paired with a growing psychological reliance, as it becomes harder to imagine coping with stress or sleep without it. Together, these factors make breaking free from Temazepam feel like an uphill battle.

What are the signs of Temazepam addiction?

Physical signs

  • Increased tolerance: Needing more Temazepam to achieve the same calming effect.
  • Withdrawal symptoms: Experiencing symptoms such as nausea, headaches, sweating or tremors when Temazepam wears off.
  • Drowsiness: Excessive sleepiness or lethargy, even during the day, can indicate overuse.
  • Slurred speech: Difficulty in speaking clearly, similar to intoxication.
  • Poor coordination: Frequent clumsiness or difficulty with motor control.

Psychological signs

  • Anxiety or depression: Experiencing increased anxiety or depressive thoughts, particularly when not taking Temazepam.
  • Cravings: Constantly thinking about when you’ll take the next dose or feeling anxious about running out.
  • Memory problems: Short-term memory issues, such as forgetting conversations or daily tasks.
  • Restlessness or agitation: Feeling uneasy or irritable, especially between doses of Temazepam.
  • Dependence on the drug for sleep: Believing you can’t sleep or relax without Temazepam.

Behavioural signs

  • Using outside of prescribed guidelines: Taking more than the prescribed dose or using Temazepam recreationally.
  • Withdrawing from social activities: Avoiding friends, family or activities that were once enjoyable.
  • Secretive behaviour: Hiding your use of Temazepam or being dishonest about how much you’re taking.
  • Neglecting responsibilities: Failing to fulfill work or personal obligations due to excessive use or the aftereffects of the drug.


How can a Temazepam addiction affect my body?

Temazepam addiction can take a serious toll on your body, especially if you’ve been using it longer than the recommended 7-10 days for insomnia. Over time, the drug can have lasting consequences, including:

  • Reduced breathing: Chronic misuse can slow your breathing to dangerously low levels, which means your organs aren’t getting the oxygen they need, leading to serious health issues.
  • Tremors: You might notice trembling or shaking, a sign of physical dependence and your body reacting to the lack of Temazepam if you try to cut down.
  • Memory problems: Long-term use can mess with your memory, making it difficult to remember things both short and long term.
  • Slurred speech: Temazepam can impact how your brain and body communicate, leading to issues like slurred speech and trouble focusing.
  • Sleep disturbances: Ironically, while Temazepam is meant to help with sleep, overuse can disrupt your natural sleep cycle, leaving you with insomnia or poor sleep quality.
  • Headaches: You might find yourself dealing with more frequent headaches, which can interfere with your day-to-day activities.
  • Lethargy: A general feeling of fatigue or weakness can creep in, making even simple tasks feel like a burden.

In extreme cases, long-term misuse could lead to an overdose, which can be fatal.

The more Temazepam is misused, the harder it can be on your body. Getting help sooner rather than later is crucial for preventing these long-term health effects.


Am I addicted to Temazepam?

Addiction can sneak up on anyone and the same goes for Temazepam. This is why it’s crucial to keep tabs on yourself, even if you’re using the drug as prescribed. One of the best ways to check in on your relationship with Temazepam is by answering honest questions and reflecting on how it’s impacting your life.

  • Do you find yourself needing a higher dose of Temazepam to achieve the same effects?
  • Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms or difficulty sleeping when trying to reduce or stop your usage?
  • Do you feel uneasy or anxious if you don’t have access to Temazepam or miss a dose?
  • Have you taken Temazepam at times not prescribed or more frequently than directed?
  • Is your Temazepam use impacting your daily life, work or relationships?

Answering ‘yes’ to any of these questions could be a sign that your use of Temazepam may require closer attention.

Where can I get help for a Temazepam addiction?

It can be confusing and overwhelming to find yourself dependent on the very medication that was initially helping you manage a specific ailment. Temazepam, once used to provide relief, might now feel like it’s controlling your life, leaving you feeling unsure about what to do next. If you find yourself in this situation, there is help available at Liberty House.

Liberty House offers a specialised Temazepam rehab programme designed to provide the support you need. Detox is an essential first step in this journey, helping your body safely remove Temazepam while being supported by medical professionals to manage withdrawal symptoms.

After detox, Liberty House offers both traditional and holistic therapies that will help you on your road to recovery. Treatments like Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and group counselling allow you to explore the emotional roots of your addiction, while holistic therapies such as yoga and art can help you reconnect with yourself, reducing stress and promoting healing in a more personal way.

When your rehab programme ends, you won’t be left to navigate life alone. Liberty House provides aftercare services, acting as a safety net as you reintegrate into society, ensuring that you continue to feel supported on your path to long-term recovery.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with Temazepam addiction, reach out to Liberty House today and take the first step toward a healthier, addiction-free life.


Frequently asked questions

Can Temazepam cause daytime drowsiness?
Yes, Temazepam can cause daytime drowsiness, especially if taken in higher doses or for prolonged periods. Its sedative effects can linger into the next day, affecting alertness and coordination.
How quickly can dependence on Temazepam develop?
Dependence on Temazepam can develop within a few weeks of regular use, particularly if taken daily or in higher doses. The risk of dependence increases the longer the medication is used.
Can Temazepam affect memory?
Yes, Temazepam can affect memory, particularly short-term memory. In some cases, it may cause issues with recalling recent events, especially when used in higher doses or for extended periods.